A scary statistic:
“A recent OpenVPN survey discovered 25 percent of employees reuse the same password for everything. And 23 percent of employees admit to very frequently clicking on links before verifying they lead to a website they intended to visit.”
It’s important that your IT environment be set up properly to automatically prevent identical passwords from being re-used for every function and that your employees are using strong passwords. We have seen everything from “password123” to post-it notes on the monitor! Password security doesn’t need to be complicated or difficult to enforce or control, it just needs to be set up properly from a qualified IT security technician. Don’t leave this to chance!
Clicking on links in emails are a major source for threats to enter in the environment. You could have the best firewall in the world but without setting up a security policy and having a multi-facted approach to defend against phishing and malicious viruses/malware/ransomware entering in this fashion it’s just a matter of time. We know Security, give us a call today and let’s talk about securing your infrastructure!
All content used with permission.